Sunday, 29 September 2013

Campus Style

Dressing up is not just about the physical but how wearing your favourite dress can instantly make you feel amazing and turn a mundane day into a colourful one. We wear clothes as a means of expression and that does not change no matter where we are. Here is a little peak into what we wear when we are at university, doing the ordinary - attending  classes whilst having time in between to catch up with our favourite people as well as admire and acquire new sources of inspiration. Here is our very own version of campus street style, brought to you by the Quad Squad.


Top: Mr Price
Stripped Pants: Mr Price

Shoes: from a random store in Chatsworth 
My inspiration for this outfit was that i hadn't worn my stripped pants in a while so I thought I could give them some attention. I added the boots to give the outfit a grungy feel.


Blouse: Mr Price
Shorts: Explain Boutique
Shoes: Woolworths
My style inspiration for today: I love ivories, creams, off-whites etc so instantly I grabbed the blouse but I needed colour as well so the shorts were a good match.
Why I love my look: It's elegant but the shorts and the shoes make it so chilled.


Shirt: Zara
Jeans: Zara 
Shoes: Legit
Shades: JayJays
Belt: Urban Degree by Hilton Weiner. 
My inspiration for this outfit was an effort to look chic and casual. It is good to dress down some days and still feel like some effort was taken. 
Why I love the look: My look is functional and less maintenance than what I usually wear. 


striped skater dress: Mr Price,
maroon bowler hat: H&M
tights/stockings: Woolworths
combat boots: Cape Town Flea Market
round glasses: London Flea Market
backpack: Markhams
bracelet beads: Mr price
My outfit today is inspired by the ease of bohemian style dressing with a little edge. I love my bowler hat, it's an accessory which I think goes with everything. 

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